My Commodore history – part three: Back to the Amiga

I finally got back into the Commodore Amiga in late May 2019 by purchasing a used Amiga 500. I have yet to set it up permanently but it has been running a few times. I am planning how to set it up physically as well as how my setup will be with regard to software […]
My Commodore history – part two: Commodore Amiga

As you may have read in My Commodore history – part one: Commodore 64, my computer story started with a Commodore 64. Through a friend, who had an Amiga 1000 I was introduced to the Amiga world. As I remember, he later got both an Amiga 500 and Amiga 2000. He actually had an Atari […]
My Commodore history – part one: Commodore 64

My history with having computers started with the Commodore 64. This post originally appeared on my old Amiga site (Amiga Retro Computing). In the early 1980’s when I was a child, me and my friends frequented the retail shops in town that had computers. Back then shops used to have computers on display that you […]