Preparing for 100 Days of Homelab

I am preparing to start the 100 Days of Homelab challenge to educate myself into the different fields of computing that interests me and that will make a difference in my life, such as an improvement of quality of life, enhancing my career, generally sparking my imagination and creative side, and perhaps a mix of them all.

I am planning a reorganisation of my home network, the main goal is to restructure my network backbone and servers so that I can protect and run them in the best way possible. One of the things I would like to do is to setup my key network and my servers is to be supported by some kind of battery backup power system, with the possibility of boosting it with solar power so as to supplement prolong the time I can run them – a) during a power cut and b) with the current energy crisis and cost of energy in mind. Currently the only server I have running 24/7 is a Raspberry Pi that carries my Home Assistant and underneath that my Unifi controller.

That same Home Assistant setup I would like to do from scratch

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